Sunday 20 January 2013

Lecture 3

"How do I talk to SOMEONE!" is a question that arises when most anyone tries to get on the phone to call customer service. Companies have taken their once solid relationship with their customers and replace the "real people" with automated voice messages. This industrialization of the companies may be profitable but are ruining the way markets are supposed to run.
In this day and age we have taught to keep to ourselves by the constant technological advancements that surround us. Instead of making conversation with people we are constantly on our phones. There was a time when asking your neighbor for an egg was a common task but now people are so disconnected our neighbours are as foreign to us as people in another country. The same thing is happening within companies, they are eliminating the people. Through Levigne's article he is trying to voice his concern of how markets once were and the sudden down turn that has happened over the past twenty years. Customers no longer know the face to the company, can no longer trust the press. 
Levigne is trying to express the human aspect of the internet that not all companies have taken advantage of. As companies expand across the world, Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets let the people behind the brand may get in touch and let customers feel closer to the brand, as they once were. Customers may now tweet at companies like  AirCanada, Rogers and so on to complain or even compliment on there service. This new way of marketing lets companies see the issues, “speak” to clients one on one and resolve the issue as well as customers finally receiving the customer service they deserve. 

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